Registered Massage Therapy

Massage therapy improves physical and emotional health by assessing and manually treating the soft tissues of the body. It is most effective for treating soft tissue tension or injuries, reducing stress, and improving local or systemic circulation.

Sean Fernandez is a Pro Athlete Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist and RMT with over 8000+ hours of experience in personal training, fascial stretch, and manual therapy. Since receiving his certificate in 2019, he has worked to create a unique system that has helped hundreds of clients improve mobility and perform their best. In April 2022, Sean graduated from Bryan College with a diploma in Massage Therapy, expanding his understanding of the body to improve his capability as a practitioner. Sean has experience with a range of physical needs – from NBA players and professional athletes to office workers and older folks looking to improve their mobility.

Sean Fernandez is a Pro Athlete Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist and RMT with over 8000+ hours... Read More

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Located at: 87 Harbord St, Toronto
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